April Trueblood - Vocals/Bass
Lou Castro - Guitars/Vocals
Rich Corbin - Drums
Dallas Mason - Drums
This 10+ year old band has been covering 80’s (and adjacent) tunes and sharing their electrifying vibes with residents and visitors of the fine establishments of Ocracoke and Hatteras Islands since their inception in 2013. We’ve hit most of the genres in this endeavor and don’t intend to stop anytime soon.
Orignal band members, Lou Castro & April Trueblood, remain, living on Ocracoke and Hatteras Islands, respectively. If you’ve been following us since the beginning, then you will remember our original drummer, Jubal Creech, and our original guitarist, Kenny Furr. Can you believe that Lou used to be the bass player?! I mean, sure, he is fantastic on bass. But now he really shines as the band’s guitar player. When we first got started, April was the main vocalist and played some accessory “school instruments”. However, as personnel shifts started taking place, she picked up the bass and hasn’t put it down since. There was an instant when Kim France was available and played bass with us for a gig or two. Ahhhhhhh that was fantastic! Alas, she has her own musical obligations to fulfill, so the dream of playing with Kim was a short, though magical, one.
To further confuse you, after Jubal left the band (to go live in Thailand!), Rich Corbin stepped in to take his place in 2017. Then he moved away. After the blissful season of Rich, the illustrious Brian Surratt stepped in and served as our longest running drummer - 7 years. He started playing with us in 2018 and continued through the end of 2024.
These days, we are delighted to have a wealth of drummers. We have TWO of them now! Ocracoke’s Dallas Mason handles most of our Ocracoke gigs and Rich Corbin has moved back and is handling most of our Hatteras gigs.
Oh, and did we mention that Lou moved away in 2022? He moved all the way to Florida. We thought we were pretty much done when that happened. But, as you might be guessing, he is back.
And that, dear friends, is a brief history of the Raygun Ruby line up.
We stay pretty busy between spring and fall playing shows at venues up and down the outer banks. We are also available for private parties and weddings throughout the year. If you’re interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out!